What is Pilates?

Pilates is a unique, innovative and safe method of mind and body exercise with a lower risk of injury than many other forms of exercise.

It is a slow and controlled method of exercise focusing on good posture and body alignment. Its’ design is to stretch, strengthen and balance the body improving mobility, flexibility, posture and body awareness working from the inside out.

Increasing core stability, it helps to protect the spine and in some cases can help alleviate backache.

This method evolved from the principles of Joseph Pilates who was born in Germany in 1880 and was a frail, sickly child with asthma, rickets and rheumatic fever.

Determined to overcome his fragility he experimented with many different forms of exercise including yoga, skiing, gymnastics, martial arts, self-defence, dance, circus training and weight training .

Having worked with these principles, he developed a system that had the perfect balance of strength and flexibility.  Having proven their worth on his own body, Joseph then began teaching these techniques to others.

After teaching fitness and self defence to the police and army in England, followed by an internment during World War 1, he returned to Germany where he taught self defence to the Hamburg Police and German Army.

In 1926, after deciding to emigrate to America he met his wife to be Clara on the boat across.  They both had the same views on fitness and set up a studio together in New York where they taught Josephs’  ‘Contrology’ method of exercise.

They taught the boxing community first of all and then dancers, many of who went on to become his assistants.  Loved and respected by his clients, Joseph never doubted that his method of exercise would become increasingly popular throughout the world.

In 10 sessions you’ll feel the difference, in 20 you’ll see the difference, in 30 you’ll have a whole new body
by Joseph Pilates – Return to Life through Contrology

Now firmly established Pilates continues its worldwide growth.

Your Pilates teacher

Body Control Pilates certified teacher

Registered Exercise Professional

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Get in touch

Karen Stafford
+44 7801 357 546
+34 678 567 359

Email: pilatesholidayspain@hotmail.com

Calle Galera 12
Conil de la Frontera
Costa de la Luz

© Pilates Holiday in Spain